The escalating cost of education is a growing concern, that requires parents to adopt a strategic approach. It is estimated that it would cost up to $300,000 to put a child through school. And as educational costs continue to surge, expect to pay much more than the prevailing rates when you provide higher education for your child.

Parents who save consistently can better equip their children for a successful academic future without being burdened by financial strain.

Simplifying the cost of education
of parents get anxious about how they will manage their child's higher education considering the global increase in tuition fees.
of parents are confident that they can support their child's further education financially without compromising their current lifestyle.
of parents are dependent on their monthly salary to provide for their child’s education.
of parents have not saved sufficiently to sustain their child’s education in the event of death or a critical illness to the earning member of the family.
Source: Zurich YouGov survey 2022
Learn more
Understanding the cost of education
Rotate the globe and click on a country to understand the break up of tuition fees and living expenses for a full undergraduate course.
Total per year (Tuition + Living expenses)
Total undergraduate degree
*Total cost is inclusive of the living expense for the selected region
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