Keeping our promise to you

We’ve paid customer claims amounting to more than USD 160 million, with 98% of all life claims paid out.

We remain committed to supporting you when you need us the most so you can be ready for life.

Key findings this year

1 out of 4
of claims submitted were
within three years of policy
inception, and 85% of those
were from customers who were
accepted at standard premium rates
Heart attack, stroke and cancer
continue to be the
leading causes of life
and critical illness
of all cancer
claims by women
were for breast
A life worth insuring

Life’s journeys are not linear
With complexities you cannot account for

But while you navigate life’s terrain,
some things don’t change
The dreams you set out with - for yourself
And promises you made - to people you love

At the end of it all, you’ll regret inaction over action
Because at the end of it all,
it’s about your dreams that came true
And promises you fulfilled to the ones who love you

And that makes everything worth it
A life worth living, Is a life worth insuring

Addressing death to better prepare those we leave behind

The most common reasons for insurance claims related to loss of life in the Middle East are heart attack, stroke and cancer. The impact of Covid remained strong even though the number of cases dwindled in the last year.

Leading causes of life cover benefits paid out in the Middle East
34%Heart attack and stroke 24%Cancer 14%Others* 22%Covid 6%Accident
*Pneumonia, Pancreatitis, organ failure, unspecified natural causes

  • Heart attack

  • Cancer

  • Covid

  • Other*

  • Accident

  • Cancer

  • Heart attack

  • Covid

  • Other*

  • Accident
It’s happening sooner than we realise years 80 Oldest age of a life cover claim years 54 is the average age for life cover claim years 27 Youngest age of a life cover claim 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 80
The strength to survive Leading causes of critical illness claims in the Middle East
49%Cancer 3%Renal Failure 7%Others* 41%Heart attack and stroke
*Motor Neurone disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, organ failure, major organ transplant, benign brain tumour

  • Heart attack

  • Cancer

  • Other*

  • Renal Failure

  • Cancer

  • Heart attack

  • Other*

  • Renal Failure
Health is unguaranteed, regardless of age or fitness 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 80 is the youngest age of a child critical illness claimant* years 84 Oldest age of a critical illness claimant years 49 Average age of a critical illness claimant years 27 Youngest age of a critical illness claimant years 2 * Zurich offers free children’s critical illness cover for up to three children when you take a critical
illness benefit on a whole of life policy or a critical illness protection plan. Cover is up to USD 15K only.
Protect yourself
and your promise to the ones you love
Life coverclaims Critical illnessclaims Half of our totalcustomer benefitspaid out were lifecover claims 50% Half of our customer benefits paid were for livingbenefits like critical illness,disability, hospitalisation etc 50%
Mind the gap In most cases, customers have claimed less than USD 200,000 of coverage. Ensure you have enough protection to cover your future financial needs. Life cover benefit paid 73% 27% < USD 200,000 > USD 200,000 83% 17% Critical illness benefit paid < USD 200,000 > USD 200,000

A life worth living
is a life worth insuring

Life and critical illness insurance from Zurich

For the past three years, we’ve provided our customers in the Middle East with benefits totalling over USD 160 million. Backed by solid financial ratings and widespread recognition within the market and industry, you can trust Zurich to fulfill our promise to you, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.

We’ve paid out
customer benefits
totalling over
USD 160 million

USD 160m ’20-’22 USD 144m ’19-’21 USD 136m ’18-’20 USD 102m ’16-’18 USD 111m ’17-’19

Come as you are

Even if you have pre-existing
health conditions


of all applications received
by us are accepted

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Heart
  • Cancer
  • Lipid

You’re our priority

We ensure your claims are paid.


of all life claims paid
over last 3 years


of all critical illness
claims were paid over
last 3 years

Why we didn't pay the remaining percentage

Unpaid benefits were due to non-disclosure or fraud. Be transparent about your health, lifestyle and family history when buying life insurance.

Because time matters

72 hrs.

Average time
to pay a claim**

24 hrs.

Fastest claim
payment made**

** on receipt of all satisfactory documents.

Incredible and amazing way to deal with the claim submitted at a time of agony and pain in our family.

Richard D'Souza

Zurich treats us like a family member. During my tough times, they helped me faster than any insurance company in the world.

Mohammed Ezaz

Very professional institution. Delivering what they have promised and fulfilling your needs in a timely manner.

Mohamed Kojar
Zurich customer satisfaction survey 2023

Why we do what we do

Ajay Dewan
"The sickness is one of the things that tries to kill you, but the financial burdens are the secret killer."
Cindy Cruz
"If someone should ask me, “Should I get insurance?” My answer is Yes! And get it when you are young."
Sneha Bhatia
"Insurance as an investment is more important than gold and property. With insurance you invest in your life first."

Get started today

how much you need
about our products
Customer claims report 2023
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